Friday, May 1, 2009

I have to admit something...

I'm an American Idol FANATIC. In the past I watched the show, but this season I am HOOKED and the reason, a certain someone named Adam Lambert. The boy blows me away every single week. He is a force to be reckoned with. 
This week when he was placed in the bottom three my house was in an uproar. The girls love him as much, if not more than I do. They immediately started making signs and picketing. LOL Then when they sent one to safety and it wasn't Adam, Gabby broke down in tears. I was sick to my stomach, how could this happen? 
Thank goodness he was safe, but it was a wake up call to me, vote vote vote. I voted, oh 31 times on Tuesday night, I will up that this next week. :P 

So, I am a "Glambert"  and proud to say it. 

If you haven't yet, go to iTunes and listen to the studio version of "I feel Good" the song he sang this week for "Rat Pack" week, holy cow, it is amazing. 

TGIF as well, so happy it's Friday. It has been one rainy gloomy week. 

1 comment:

Amy said...

Um, yeah. I'm a huge Adam fan too. He's amazing.