A contact of mine on Facebook is a photographer, an amazing photographer, a mother, a wife, a woman, a daughter, maybe a sister and a fellow human being. She is a survivor of cancer, breast cancer I believe (Lidia I hope you correct me if I'm wrong) but being on the opposite side, I know what her family went through as my mother is also a survivor of breast cancer. These women are the lucky ones.... and the fighters.
Lidia is taking her passion for photography and her huge heart and starting a foundation, nationwide, to photograph families of children with cancer.. and the children of course. This is a HUGE thing to do, she has money to raise, people to appoint, contacts to make, I can not even imagine what else she has to do... but she is doing it and doing it well. I believe that she is half way to her goal right now. As a mother, it touches me to photograph children of any kind, but when you get to peek into the special life of a child that is ill or has a disability it is even more special. These children touch my heart, they don't realize they are sick, they are just kids. There is a commercial on the radio that says "Agenda of a 6 year old" and the little voice lists things like "count the stars, skip rope, play with my best friend Sam" and the one big thing that is not and should not be on their mind is being sick or feeling bad... though all too often that is on a little ones mind.
I'm so fortunate, I gave birth to three healthy, beautiful children... I was even given two at once with the girls. It sometimes makes me think "why was I one of the lucky ones" you know... guilty, because all too often I take my children for granted. I get aggrivated at them for not picking stuff up, I'm too tired to chase them, but I should be thankful that they are healthy enough to run around and scream and giggle... I need to step back and take these moments in.
So, here is the link to Lidia's blog, she is an amazing woman.... I hope that you all can pass this along as well and spread the word.
And here's to you Lidia, may you always be blessed, you are one special person.